Jobs in Germany

Work in Germany - make your dream come true

Working in Germany is often named as one of the most attractive earning and career opportunities among citizens of Lithuania and other countries. There is no need to look far for the reasons for such a trend. Compared to other European countries, Germany has one of the strongest economies, one of the lowest unemployment rates, and one of the highest minimum wages. No less important is the fact that hard-working, punctual, orderly and responsible Germans highly value employees with the same characteristics who came to work from foreign countries. Therefore, working in Germany guarantees not only the same social guarantees that local workers have, but also comprehensive assistance in integrating into the labor market. What more could be needed for a person who wants to work and earn!

Working in Germany - and your personal experience, or maybe - ambition? After evaluating the opportunities offered by job offers in Germany, you see yourself in one or another position, but you are faced with doubts whether you will succeed? Perhaps you lack the knowledge of where to start your job search? Or are the ads that offer jobs in Bremen, Hamburg, Munich and other German cities questionable? You don't know German, so you are afraid that you will not only not find a job, but that you will perish in such a big country? There is simply a lack of professional, up-to-date information on the trends of the German labor market, on the basis of which you could make an objective decision whether working in Germany is the best alternative for you?

If there are more questions than answers, but you are still interested in working in Germany, contact BondoJobs and entrust all the worries related to job search and employment formalities to our team. We will provide all the necessary professional support and ensure that working in Germany meets (or even exceeds!) your expectations. Contact us now and you may soon be able to go to work in the country of your dreams.

Jobs in Germany - for people with different needs

If you have already had time to look through the latest job offers in Germany on our website, you have probably noticed the abundance of career opportunities. It doesn't matter what education and professional skills you have, whether you can boast of a rich "baggage" of experience or, on the contrary, you are completely "green" on the labor market: a well-paid job in Germany is available to everyone who wants to get a job in this country - both men and women. both for couples.

It is important to mention that we cooperate only with reliable agencies operating in different German cities. So you can be sure that when you contact the "BondoJobs" team, you will be presented with only legal job offers in Germany that ensure all social guarantees, in various fields in logistics, production, construction, etc.).

We also want to point out that work in Germany can be both seasonal and permanent. Depending on the period for which you plan to come to this country, we will provide you with the desired job. In addition, we will not only find a place of work, but also help solve all issues related to accommodation. We work so that living and working in Germany does not cause you any additional worries!

Work in Germany for women

Although we fully support the ideas of equal opportunities, it is natural that women often look for physically easier, but of course also well-paid work. After all, in today's society, it is common for women to make an equal financial contribution to the family budget, and when certain circumstances arise, sometimes they have to become the sole breadwinner.

Based on the experience of our clients, a trend can be distinguished that women who decide to work in Germany very often successfully establish themselves in the warehousing and production sectors and choose to work in various industrial centers. Such job offers in Germany guarantee not only excellent working conditions, but also a generous salary, adequate for the time worked and the results achieved.

Of course, jobs in Germany with higher qualifications, requiring specific skills and guaranteeing good career prospects are always open to women.

Jobs in Germany for men

It's no secret that it is men who, in order to ensure their family's financial well-being or create a solid material basis for an independent life, more often make the decision to go abroad to work. When the work in Germany or another foreign country meets the expectations, it is much more daring for the second half or even the whole family to leave Lithuania.

When it comes to work in Germany, motivated, hard-working, physically strong men are always open for various positions in the warehousing, manufacturing and logistics sectors. As you know, logistics is one of the best paid fields. True, it is important to emphasize that in order to apply for vacant positions in the field of logistics, you need to have at least a category B driver's license. A driver's license is often mentioned as one of the advantages for candidates who want to get a job in a position that, apparently, has nothing to do with driving.

Men with not only B, but also C or CE categories have even greater opportunities and a variety of jobs that provide financial freedom. Forklift driver's license is also useful: we have job offers in Germany for this position quite often.

Work in Germany for couples

If you want to go to Germany to work not alone, but with your significant other, we will look for an opportunity to make a job offer acceptable to both of you. Perhaps the most suitable jobs for couples in Germany are offered in various factories or warehouses, where women can do a little lighter work. Meanwhile, men apply their skills where more physical strength and endurance are required.

Working in Germany without language? Mission Possible!

A language barrier often prevents one from working in Germany or any other foreign country. It is believed that without learning the German language, it is not possible to successfully establish yourself in this country. And if the knowledge of the English language is also "faltering", then working in Germany can only be a distant, hard-to-reach dream! Are such fears justified?

Of course, communication is an important condition when it comes to integration both in the labor market and in the social space. However, we are happy to say that earning opportunities in Germany are open even without language skills (not only German, but also English).

Of course, when applying for vacant positions, for example in the tourism or customer service sectors, language skills become one of the main tools needed to perform direct functions. However, for example, a large number of employers do not indicate the necessity of German or English language skills for those who want to work in factories or warehouses, in positions that do not require specific skills. The manager and co-workers, accepting a person without knowledge of the language, are ready to help him understand both the specifics of the job and to successfully adapt to the team.

Of course, at least minimal knowledge of German or English is really useful and helps you to successfully climb the career ladder. The positive practice of our clients shows that, with desire and persistence, many Lithuanians overcome the language barrier and can enjoy even greater career opportunities in the German labor market.

Work in Germany: why is it worth getting a job?

Doubts still haunt you, whether working in Germany is really a good decision? Can't decide which European country to "raise your wings" in? Perhaps your decision will be facilitated by several reasons given below, which confirm the fact that working in Germany is an attractive earning and career opportunity in various aspects.

  • Solid minimum wage. It is important to note that working and receiving minimum wage will allow you to live with dignity in Germany. You will not only be able to purchase essential goods, pay taxes or send a certain amount of money to your relatives in Lithuania, but you will also allow yourself to indulge yourself, for example, enjoy a delicious dinner or go on vacation in the desired direction.

According to statistical data, from 2022 January minimum wage in Germany is €9.35/h. It is aimed that from 2022 July 1 this remuneration would be €10.45/h. Of course, working in Germany allows motivated, hardworking people to earn much more than just the minimum wage. Many companies in Germany allow employees to work overtime, which is paid at a higher rate. Various motivational measures are also applied to employees who successfully fulfill the set goals. And, with a higher qualification or solid work experience, the earnings "ceiling" becomes even higher.

  • Low number of unemployed. The unemployment rate in Germany has been one of the lowest in Europe for many years. What does this reveal? This trend testifies to the right attitude towards the employee, quality working conditions and great professional prospects. The German labor market is open not only to citizens of its own country, but also to immigrants from other countries, among them, of course, Lithuania.
  • Friendly prices. Many believe that in such an economically strong country as Germany, everything costs much more. Myth! The prices of food and other products in Germany do not really "bite", so you can really enjoy a quality life when working in this country. It's no secret that many compatriots, returning to visit their hometown, please their loved ones with plenty of sweets, the prices of which are much lower compared to those on the shelves of our stores.

  • A tolerant attitude. Working in Germany is one of the most popular choices not only among Lithuanians, but also among residents of other foreign countries. The reason for this is the fact that Germany is extremely open and friendly to hardworking immigrants from abroad. This allows you to enjoy not only good working conditions and easier adaptation in the team, but also a warm welcome in the entire community.

Which jobs in Germany are most acceptable to you? When and with whom would you like to go to work in this country? Contact us, express your wishes and expectations, and soon your lives will be changed by a well-paid, customized job in Germany!
